8 Years of Magic

Y’know, statically marriages typically fail at years 7-8. Today marks year 8 of marriage for me. You know what that means? Means statically I’ve tricked her into staying married to me past the statistic point of calling it off! That’s right folks, she has yet to realize that she’s too good for me and could do WAY better! How did I do it? Well, I can teach you the ways of Grumpitiude and Grumpromance! It’s sacred knowledge that I am willing to impart upon the masses.

Nah but seriously, today is my anniversary! It’s gotten to the point where our anniversary is like my age: I have to seriously sit there and count it out to make sure my brain hasn’t misremembered a year or not. It’s like…SO much has happened over the years that it’s hard to believe it hasn’t been like…a hundred or something. We, not saying that it’s felt like a long time or a drag or anything, don’t misread that! Quite the contrary, it just…I don’t know, feels like I’ve known her my entire life.

It does help that we have a very low key and drama free marriage. Like, yeah of course we have life drama and of course we get on each other’s nerves (hard to believe I’m not perfect I know), but I can probably count the amount of times we’ve had an actual all out fight or road bump in our marriage on one hand…kinda…kinda concerning really…hold on now I feel like I need to google if that’s healthy.


There you have it, google says I’m good! And since google is all knowing and unfathomable, who are we to question its omniscience.

But yeah, my wife is basically the best thing. To ever happen to me. It’s odd, she is like…the COMPLETE opposite of the kind of person I thought I’d marry (this is starting to sound risky there Grump). Like…if you asked a younger me who I wanted to marry, the traits he would have listed would not have described who I actually married (okay dude this is sounding bad). I always thought I’d marry someone shy, super touchy feely, nerdy, quiet, and…well basically someone like me …and my wife just…isn’t that.

She’s loud, comically abrasive, sometimes emotionally blind, lacks empathy, doesn’t understand my level of nerdiness, and extremely analytical.

Just goes to show you….younger me was an idiot and didn’t know what he actually wanted.

She’s also sweet, caring, determined, hilarious, brilliant, creative, intuitive, motivated, and the best thing to ever happen to me. She’s by far my polar opposite in everything they doesn’t actually matter, and we are made of the same stuff in everything that actually matters. We laugh at the same things, we love the same things, we want the same things out of life, we are…well basically the same…and totally different…it’s kinda weird. It’s like, mind the overused phrase, two sides of the same coin.

I like to joke that I’m the introverted and emotional part of her soul and she is the extroverted analytical part of my soul and we had to meet in order to become a whole person. So, if you let me be touchy feely for a moment, I’d like to thank my wife for basically making a whole person. I am a better and happier me with her in my life and the very thought of going on without her sounds…well just half full.

So…you may be asking what we are doing on this magical day of days! Well, my wife knows me just oh so well…

Happy anniversary babe, I love you.

Stay classy, stay safe, and, above all else,

Stay grumpy

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