Shower Thoughts

Greetings and happy Mother’s Day!

You ever hear the phrase “kids say the darnest thing?”

Babe, I’d like to believe that the dog stalks your beautiful bodacious behind for the same reasons I do: it’s just so admirable!

Happy Mother’s Day hon. We would be so lost without all the light and joy you bring into our lives. The kids and I are blessed more than you know for having you. You are the hardest worker I know, the strongest person I know, and the most loving person I know. All that you do may go over our heads sometimes, but that’s only because you do so much that we just can’t comprehend it. That doesn’t mean that we don’t appreciate you or that we don’t love you. Thank you for being my wife and for being the mother to our children.

I love you 💕

So, until next time,

Stay classy, stay safe, and, above all else,

Stay grumpy.

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